Friday, February 26, 2010

Mitakuye Oyasin — Family

"When we speak of "mitakuye oyasin" [all my relatives], we know always that the growing and moving things of the earth, the winged, the four-legged, and the two legged are all children of the earth and they, too, want to live. So we say mitakuye oyasin." Black Elk

Unfortunately the Pit Bulls in Charlotte, North Carolina don't fare well at the local municipal shelter.

The City Council put a no adopt policy in place in the early eighties. CMPD Animal Care and Control took in 2500 Pit Bulls last year.

The Humane Society of Charlotte placed 1,982 homeless animals last year from an incoming 2,066 animals. They do adopt out Pit Bulls. “Pit bulls are loving and loyal companions like any other dog breed. The Humane Society of Charlotte has many pit bulls available for adoption that are smart, playful and gentle and would make wonderful family pets,” said HSC [then] Assistant Executive Director Kristi Jackson. [Kristi is now @ Peggy Adams Animal Rescue League in West Palm Beach.] Meet a few of the Humane Society of Charlotte's four-legged who are waiting for a home. MAYBELLINE, DUTCH, TRILBY, RYAN. Thank you Humane Society of Charlotte. Namaste Sphere: Related Content

1 comment:

  1. An oasis of sort for the dogs. Props to HS of Charlotte for stepping up...

